Learning at Woodvale

Learning at Woodvale

The College has an established, positive and supportive pastoral care focus which proactively builds on positive relationships and maximises resources in creating a very positive College culture through:


  • Providing a values rich learning environment to create a culture that celebrates personal and academic excellence
  • Developing clear processes and strategies to ensure safe learning environments
  • Close monitoring of attendance, behaviour and performance and implementing action as a result of evidence
  • Balancing each student’s potential to achieve in all subjects and personal growth areas
  • Creating whole College approaches to global awareness in Asian Literacy, Environmental Responsibility and appreciation of our multi cultural society.

Pastoral Care

Woodvale Secondary College has a committed pastoral care team that provides personal, vocational and social support to the student cohort.

Parents and Community website – SCSA

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) has developed a website to support parents and members of the community. The Parents and Community website is accessible on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website https://parent.scsa.wa.edu.au


The website has been developed for parents and community members as a guide to:


  • the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline), Kindergarten through to Year 10
  • the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), Years 11 and 12.


The website is designed to provide information for parents and the community about:


  • what children and young people should learn
  • how they are assessed
  • the standards children and young people are expected to reach at each year level.

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