Our Performance

Our Performance

Woodvale Secondary College has long enjoyed an excellent reputation within the wider community, as evidenced by three highly favourable Independent Public School Reviews and considerable pressure on enrolments from families outside the local intake area.


Whether it is the College’s strong focus on wellbeing, continuing engagement by students in their own voice, strong leadership, an ICT program the envy of the government sector, or the high calibre of our teaching and support staff, Woodvale continues to offer a safe, positive and supportive learning environment for all students.


A public school review is all about self-assessment.  Questions asked by staff and the College Community are:

    • How are we going?
    • How do we know?
    • What are we doing to improve?


The 2020 reviewers, Ms Vicki McKeown (Director, Public School Review) and Mr Andrew Host (Principal, Margaret River SHS) validated our self-assessment. The reviewers commented on the high quality of the relationships and partnerships within the College community and the strong emphasis on the wellbeing of students and staff. 25 Commendations were awarded in their evaluation and eight Recommendations were provided by the school. The fabric of any successful school is an improvement agenda, so the staff at Woodvale do not rest on a great report, but make recommendations for improvement for the future.


There is no doubt that 2021 was incredibly challenging and taxing. Woodvale can look back on it with pride given numerous positives and significant achievements against a backdrop of uncertainty and challenge. Our Co-Curricular program was introduced in 2020 and 2021 saw 660 students participate in the program. Year 12 students in 2021 recorded a median ATAR of 82.1. 73% of the Year 12 cohort were VET students.


In order for Woodvale to compete and to remain relevant to its community, it needs, like all schools, to be constantly alert to the local, national and international trends and drivers of change, and committed to self- improvement. The latest Business Plan reflects the College’s focus in this area.



Annual Report

Business Plan

Public School Review


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Selecting Woodvale


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