Woody’s Snack Shack Canteen provides a selection of nutritious and tasty food and drinks whilst providing maximum value for money for the College. With a range of daily specials students can purchase homemade sausage rolls, chilli con carne and crumbed fish and homemade wedges and more!
Parents can pre-order food and drinks for their child/s via the Online Canteen Pre-Order Service.
The Canteen is operated by the Parents and Citizens Association and employs a full-time chef and 8 casual staff members. The canteen would not be so successful without the help of the enthusiastic team of volunteers! Our volunteer parents are a vital part of the effective and efficient delivery of canteen operations, helping to keep costs to a minimum. Profits from the Canteen are put back into providing facilities and equipment for the students at the College. Recently the Canteen donated profits to build the Nature Playground.
To volunteer at the Woody’s Snack Shack Canteen or to find out more information please contact canteen@woodvalescpandc.org.au or call 9309 0875.